Friday, December 7, 2007

Iraian Urges Gulf Security


Desember 4,2007

In it's 28th annual gatering of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), President Ahmadinejad , the first Iranian leader before a key group of Pertian Gulf nation , proposed the establishment of economic and security pact and institutions among tie seven states-Bahrain,Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates-to serve the people of the region without forein influence .

The Gulf meeting took place less than a weak after Mideast peace summit in Annapolice, United States, in which Arab nations attended to discover a way ,with their old aiiy's help, U.S, to bring "Peace"in MiddleEast.

After the revelution in Ian, Arab countries, foremed a party named"Gulf Coopration Council" to counter the spread of the new Shi'ite! Regim in their neiborhood.The new government in Iran ,claimed the Middle East countries should take the security control of the region and also the economical benefit of it.Arab countries couldn't rely on Iran , their potentional enemy which opposite to the United States , the superpower of the world and their old ally.On the other hand,with Shah and Pahlavi gone U.S lost it's position in one of the most strategically, economically and militarilily important region in the region in the world.

MiddleEast,with it's abundant sourses of oil, could be very useful for the economic of the U.S .So American administer supported Arabs to oppose Iran ,their same enemy .But now after 28 years ,Arab's invitation of Iranian leaders approximatly around their meeting in the Anappolice ,shows that there is something hapening .
1. Can they ignore Iran ,a power near to them and more close to their benefits, security and peace?
2.Is the "peace" in American terminology means the "peace"Iran is looking for amoung the countries ?
Is it possible to continiueto exist without the U.S support and replacing Iran?3.

It seems that Arabs are facing a big dillema and their conclusion would be vital for the three sides:Gulf nation , united states and Iran.